
Carlos Alós-Ferrer

Publications (selection)


Alós-Ferrer, C., Ritschel, A., García-Segarra, J., & Achtziger, A. (2019).

"Habituation Does Not Rescue Depletion: Two Tests of the Ego-Depletion Effect." Journal of Economic Psychology, 75, 102122.

Kokkoris, M. D., Hoelzl, E., & Alós-Ferrer, C. (2019).

"True to Which Self? Lay Rationalism and Decision Satisfaction in Self-Control Conflicts." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 117(2), 417–447.

Alós-Ferrer, C., García-Segarra, J., & Ritschel, A. (2018).

"Performance Curiosity." Journal of Economic Psychology, 64, 1–17.

Alós-Ferrer, C. (2018).

"A Review Essay on Social Neuroscience: Can Research on the Social Brain and Economics Inform Each Other?" Journal of Economic Literature, 56(1), 234–264.

Alós-Ferrer, C., García-Segarra, J., & Ginés-Vilar, M. (2018).

"Anchoring on Utopia: A Generalization of the Kalai–Smorodinsky Solution." Economic Theory Bulletin, 6(2), 141–155.

Alós‐Ferrer, C. (2018).

"A Dual‐Process Diffusion Model." Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 31(2), 203–218.

Alós-Ferrer, C., & Ritzberger, K. (2017).

"Characterizing Existence of Equilibrium for Large Extensive Form Games: A Necessity Result." Economic Theory, 63(2), 407–430.

Alós-Ferrer, C., & Ritzberger, K. (2017).

"Does Backwards Induction Imply Subgame Perfection?" Games and Economic Behavior, 103, 19–29.

Alós-Ferrer, C., & Netzer, N. (2017).

"On the Convergence of Logit-Response to (Strict) Nash Equilibria." Economic Theory Bulletin, 5(1), 1–8.

Alós-Ferrer, C., & Ritzberger, K. (2017).

"Characterizations of Perfect Recall." International Journal of Game Theory, 46(2), 311–326.

Alós-Ferrer, C., Hügelschäfer, S., amp; Li, J. (2017).

"Framing Effects and the Reinforcement Heuristic." Economics Letters, 156, 32–35.

Alós-Ferrer, C., & Buckenmaier, J. (2017).

"Trader Matching and the Selection of Market Institutions." Journal of Mathematical Economics, 69, 118–127.

Alós-Ferrer, C., & Kirchsteiger, G. (2017).

"Market Selection by Boundedly-Rational Traders Under Constant Returns to Scale." Economics Letters, 153, 51–53.

Alós-Ferrer, C., García-Segarra, J., & Ginés-Vilar, M. (2017).

"Super-Additivity and Concavity Are Equivalent for Pareto Optimal n-Agent Bargaining Solutions." Economics Letters, 157, 50–52.

Alós-Ferrer, C., & Buckenmaier, J. (2017).

"Cournot vs. Walras: A Reappraisal Through Simulations." Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 82, 257–272.

Alós-Ferrer, C., Granić, Ð.-G., Kern, J., & Wagner, A. K. (2016).

"Preference Reversals: Time and Again." Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 52(1), 65–97.

Alós-Ferrer, C., & Hügelschäfer, S. (2016).

"Faith in Intuition and Cognitive Reflection." Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 64, 61–70.

Alós-Ferrer, C., & Ritzberger, K. (2016).

"Equilibrium Existence for Large Perfect Information Games." Journal of Mathematical Economics, 62, 5–18.

Alós-Ferrer, C., Garagnani, M., & Hügelschäfer, S. (2016).

"Cognitive Reflection, Decision Biases, and Response Times." Frontiers in Psychology, 7.

Achtziger, A., Alós-Ferrer, C., & Wagner, A. K. (2016).

"The Impact of Self-Control Depletion on Social Preferences in the Ultimatum Game." Journal of Economic Psychology, 53, 1–16.

Kokkoris, M. D., Hoelzl, E., & Alós-Ferrer, C. (2016).

"When Do Consumers Feel More Authentic? The Interplay of Self-Control Choices and Thinking Styles." Advances in Consumer Research, 44, 743.

Achtziger, A., Alós-Ferrer, C., & Wagner, A. K. (2015).

"Money, Depletion, and Prosociality in the Dictator Game." Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics, 8(1), 1–14.

Alós-Ferrer, C., & Granić, Đ.-G. (2015).

"Political Space Representations with Approval Data." Electoral Studies, 39, 56–71.

Alós-Ferrer, C., & Kirchsteiger, G. (2015).

"Learning and Market Clearing: Theory and Experiments." Economic Theory, 60(2), 203–241.

Alós-Ferrer, C., & Netzer, N. (2015).

"Robust Stochastic Stability." Economic Theory, 58(1), 31–57.

Alós-Ferrer, C., & Ritzberger, K. (2015).

"On the Characterization of Preference Continuity by Chains of Sets." Economic Theory Bulletin, 3(2), 115–128.

Alós-Ferrer, C., Hügelschäfer, S., & Li, J. (2015).

"Self-Control Depletion and Decision Making." Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics, 8(4), 203–216.

Alós-Ferrer, C., & Kern, J. (2015).

"Repeated Games in Continuous Time as Extensive Form Games." Journal of Mathematical Economics, 61, 34–57.

Achtziger, A., Alós-Ferrer, C., Hügelschäfer, S., & Steinhauser, M. (2015).

"Higher Incentives Can Impair Performance: Neural Evidence on Reinforcement and Rationality." Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 10(11), 1477–1483.

Alós-Ferrer, C., & Shi, F. (2015).

"Choice-Induced Preference Change and the Free-Choice Paradigm: A Clarification." Judgment and Decision Making, 10(1), 34–49.


Im neuen Handelsblatt Ökonomen-Ranking 2017 liegen die Professoren des Exzellenzzentrum für Soziales und Ökonomisches Verhalten (C-SEB) erneut weit vorne. In …

In den Medien

Die Zeit, 22.05.2014 | Malte Buhse

„[…] Carlos Alós-Ferrer ist dabei, die Volkswirtschaftslehre umzubauen. Er versucht etwas Revolutionäres in der VWL: Gefühle und Irrationalität zu erforschen. Alós-Ferrer will herausfinden, wie sich echte Menschen verhalten, vor allem, wie sie Entscheidungen treffen.”

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