Unkelbach, C., Alves, H., Baldwin, M., Crusius, J., Diel, K., Galinsky, A. D., Gast, A., Hofmann, W., Imhoff, R., Genschow, O., Lammers, J., Pauels, E., Schneider, I., Topolinski, S., Westfal, M., & Mussweiler, T. (2023).
"Relativity in Social Cognition: Basic Processes and Novel Applications of Social Comparisons." European Review of Social Psychology, 34(2), 387–440.
Lammers, J., Bukowski, M., Potoczek, A., Fleischmann, A., & Hofmann, W. (2022).
"Disentangling the Factors Behind Shifting Voting Intentions: The Bandwagon Effect Reflects Heuristic Processing, While the Underdog Effect Reflects Fairness Concerns." Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 10(2), 676–692.
Fleischmann, A., Lammers, J., Diel, K., Hofmann, W., & Galinsky, A. D. (2021).
"More Threatening and More Diagnostic: How Moral Comparisons Differ from Social Comparisons." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 121(5), 1057–1078.
Romano, A., Bortolotti, S., Hofmann, W., Praxmarer, M., & Sutter, M. (2021).
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Weiss, A., Michels, C., Burgmer, P., Mussweiler, T., Ockenfels, A., & Hofmann, W. (2021).
"Trust in Everyday Life." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 121(1), 95–114.
Hofmann, W., Dohle, S., & Diel, K. (2020).
"Changing Behavior Using Integrative Self-Control Theory." In M. S. Hagger, L. D. Cameron, K. Hamilton, N. Hankonen, & T. Lintunen (Eds.), The Handbook of Behavior Change (1st ed., pp. 150–163). Cambridge University Press.
Becker, D., Jostmann, N. B., Hofmann, W. & Holland, R. W. (2019).
"Spoiling the Pleasure of Success: Emotional Reactions to the Experience of Self-Control Conflict in the Eating Domain." Emotion, 19(8), 1377–1395.
Dohle, S., & Hofmann, W. (2019).
"Consistency and Balancing in Everyday Health Behaviour: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Approach." Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 11(1), 148–169.
Diel, K., & Hofmann, W. (2019).
"Inspired to Perspire: The Interplay of Social Comparison Direction and Standard Extremity in the Context of Challenging Exercising Goals." Social Cognition, 37(3), 247–265.
Hofmann, W., & Förster, G. (2019).
"Training Three Facets of Executive Functions: Evidence for Task- and Person-Specific Training With Limited Transfer." Experimental Psychology, 66(6), 402–413.
Kotabe, H. P., Righetti, F., & Hofmann, W. (2019).
"How Anticipated Emotions Guide Self-Control Judgments." Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 1614.
Lades, L. K., & Hofmann, W. (2019).
"Temptation, Self-Control, and Inter-Temporal Choice." Journal of Bioeconomics, 21(1), 47–70.
Prinsen, S., Dohle, S., Evers, C., De Ridder, D. T. D., & Hofmann, W. (2019).
"Introducing Functional and Dysfunctional Self‐Licensing: Associations with Indices of (Un)Successful Dietary Regulation." Journal of Personality, 87(5), 934–947.
Saulin, A., Baumgartner, T., Gianotti, L. R. R., Hofmann, W., & Knoch, D. (2019).
"Frequency of Helping Friends and Helping Strangers Is Explained by Different Neural Signatures." Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 19(1), 177–186.
Dohle, S., Diel, K., & Hofmann, W. (2018).
"Executive Functions and the Self-Regulation of Eating Behavior: A Review." Appetite, 124, 4–9.
Dohle, S., & Hofmann, W. (2018).
"Assessing Self-Control: The Use and Usefulness of the Experience Sampling Method." In D. T. D. De Ridder, M. Adriaanse, & K. Fujita (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Self-Control in Health and Well-Being (pp. 100–111). Routledge.
Faure, R., Righetti, F., Seibel, M., & Hofmann, W. (2018).
"Speech Is Silver, Nonverbal Behavior Is Gold: How Implicit Partner Evaluations Affect Dyadic Interactions in Close Relationships." Psychological Science, 29(11), 1731–1741.
Hofmann, W., Brandt, M. J., Wisneski, D. C., Rockenbach, B., & Skitka, L. J. (2018).
"Moral Punishment in Everyday Life." Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 44(12), 1697–1711.
Hofmann, W., Diel, K., & Seibel, M. (2018).
"Foods, Sex, and Drugs: Appetitive Desires and Subjective Well-Being." In E. Diener & S. Oishi (Eds.), Handbook of Well-Being. DEF Publishers.
Ockenfels, A., & Hofmann, W. (2018).
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Wiese, C. W., Tay, L., Duckworth, A. L., D’Mello, S., Kuykendall, L., Hofmann, W., Baumeister, R. F., & Vohs, K. D. (2018).
"Too Much of a Good Thing? Exploring the Inverted‐U Relationship Between Self‐Control and Happiness." Journal of Personality, 86(3), 380–396.
Denson, T. F., Wilkowski, B. M., DeWall, C. N., Friese, M., Hofmann, W., Ferguson, E. L., Capper, M. M., & Kasumovic, M. M. (2017).
""Thou Shalt Kill": Practicing Self-Control Supports Adherence to Personal Values When Asked to Aggress." Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 69, 71–78.
Dohle, S., & Hofmann, W. (2017).
"Toward a Mechanistic Understanding of the Impact of Food Insecurity on Obesity." Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 40, e116.
Lopez, R. B., Chen, P.-H. A., Huckins, J. F., Hofmann, W., Kelley, W. M., & Heatherton, T. F. (2017).
"A Balance of Activity in Brain Control and Reward Systems Predicts Self-Regulatory Outcomes." Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 12(5), 832–838.
Molho, C., Tybur, J. M., Güler, E., Balliet, D., & Hofmann, W. (2017).
"Disgust and Anger Relate to Different Aggressive Responses to Moral Violations." Psychological Science, 28(5), 609–619.
Molho, C., Tybur, J. M., Güler, E., Balliet, D., & Hofmann, W. (2017).
"Disgust and Anger Relate to Different Aggressive Responses to Moral Violations." Psychological Science, 28(5), 609–619.
Ozaki, Y., Goto, T., Kobayashi, M., & Hofmann, W. (2017).
"Counteractive Control Over Temptations: Promoting Resistance Through Enhanced Perception of Conflict and Goal Value." Self and Identity, 16(4), 439–459.
Field, M., Werthmann, J., Franken, I., Hofmann, W., Hogarth, L., & Roefs, A. (2016).
"The Role of Attentional Bias in Obesity and Addiction." Health Psychology, 35(8), 767–780.
Friese, M., & Hofmann, W. (2016).
"State Mindfulness, Self-Regulation, and Emotional Experience in Everyday Life." Motivation Science, 2(1), 1–14.
Ghoniem, A., & Hofmann, W. (2016).
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Hofmann, W., & Nordgren, L. F. (Eds.) (2016)
"The Psychology of Desire." New York, NY: Guilford.
Lopez, R. B., Milyavskaya, M., Hofmann, W., & Heatherton, T. F. (2016).
"Motivational and Neural Correlates of Self-Control of Eating: A Combined Neuroimaging and Experience Sampling Study in Dieting Female College Students." Appetite, 103, 192–199.
Laurin, K., Fitzsimons, G. M., Finkel, E. J., Carswell, K. L., vanDellen, M. R., Hofmann, W., Lambert, N. M., Eastwick, P. W., Fincham, F. D., & Brown, P. C. (2016).
"Power and the Pursuit of a Partner’s Goals." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 110(6), 840–868.
Mead, N. L., Patrick, V. M., Gunadi, M. P., & Hofmann, W. (2016).
"Simple Pleasures, Small Annoyances, and Goal Progress in Daily Life." Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 1(4), 527–539.
Reinecke, L., & Hofmann, W. (2016).
"Slacking Off or Winding down? An Experience Sampling Study on the Drivers and Consequences of Media Use for Recovery Versus Procrastination." Human Communication Research, 42(3), 441–461.
Righetti, F., Gere, J., Hofmann, W., Visserman, M. L., & Van Lange, P. A. M. (2016).
"The Burden of Empathy: Partners’ Responses to Divergence of Interests in Daily Life." Emotion, 16(5), 684–690.
Schier, U. K., Ockenfels, A., & Hofmann, W. (2016).
"Moral Values and Increasing Stakes in a Dictator Game." Journal of Economic Psychology, 56, 107–115.
Smith, P. K., & Hofmann, W. (2016).
"Power in Everyday Life." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(36), 10043–10048.
Fishbach, A. & Hofmann, W. 2015.
"Nudging Self-Control: A Smartphone Intervention of Temptation Anticipation and Goal Resolution Improves Everyday Goal Progress.” Motivation Science, 1(3), 137-150.
Ghoniem, A. & Hofmann, W. 2015.
"Yielding to Temptation: How and Why Some People Are Better at Controlling Themselves." In-Mind Magazine, 27.
Hofmann, W., Finkel, E. J. & Fitzsimons, G. M. 2015.
"Close Relationships and Self-Regulation: How Relationship Satisfaction Facilitates Momentary Goal Pursuit." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 109(3), 434-452.
Hofmann, W. & Patel, P. V. 2015.
"SurveySignal: A Convenient Solution for Experience Sampling Research Using Participants’ Own Smartphones." Social Science Computer Review, 33(2), 235–253.
Hur, J. D., Koo, M. & Hofmann, W. 2015.
"When Temptations Come Alive: How Anthropomorphism Undermines Self-Control." Journal of Consumer Research, 42(2), 340-358.
Kotabe, H. P. & Hofmann, W. 2015.
"On Integrating the Components of Self-Control." Perspectives on Psychological Science, 10(5), 618-638.
Righetti, F., Balliet, D., Vissermann, M. & Hofmann, W. et al. 2015.
"Trust and the Suppression of Emotions During Sacrifice in Close Relationships." Social Cognition, 33(5), 505-519.
van Deursen, D. S., Salemink, E., Boendermaker, W. J., Pronk, T., Hofmann, W. & Wiers, R. W. 2015.
"Executive Functions and Motivation as Moderators of the Relationship Between Automatic Associations and Alcohol Use in Problem Drinkers Seeking Online Help.” Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 39(9), 1788-1796.