Lammers, J., Bukowski, M., Potoczek, A., Fleischmann, A., & Hofmann, W. (2022).
"Disentangling the Factors Behind Shifting Voting Intentions: The Bandwagon Effect Reflects Heuristic Processing, While the Underdog Effect Reflects Fairness Concerns." Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 10(2), 676–692.
Fleischmann, A., Lammers, J., Diel, K., Hofmann, W., & Galinsky, A. D. (2021).
"More Threatening and More Diagnostic: How Moral Comparisons Differ from Social Comparisons." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 121(5), 1057–1078.
Romano, A., Bortolotti, S., Hofmann, W., Praxmarer, M., & Sutter, M. (2021).
"Generosity and Cooperation Across the Life Span: A Lab-in-the-Field Study." Psychology and Aging, 36(1), 108–118.Bortolotti, Hofmann, Praxmarer, Sutter
Weiss, A., Michels, C., Burgmer, P., Mussweiler, T., Ockenfels, A., & Hofmann, W. (2021).
"Trust in Everyday Life." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 121(1), 95–114.
Hofmann, W., Dohle, S., & Diel, K. (2020).
"Changing Behavior Using Integrative Self-Control Theory." In M. S. Hagger, L. D. Cameron, K. Hamilton, N. Hankonen, & T. Lintunen (Eds.), The Handbook of Behavior Change (1st ed., pp. 150–163). Cambridge University Press.
Becker, D., Jostmann, N. B., Hofmann, W. & Holland, R. W. (2019).
"Spoiling the Pleasure of Success: Emotional Reactions to the Experience of Self-Control Conflict in the Eating Domain." Emotion, 19(8), 1377–1395.
Dohle, S., & Hofmann, W. (2019).
"Consistency and Balancing in Everyday Health Behaviour: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Approach." Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 11(1), 148–169.
Diel, K., & Hofmann, W. (2019).
"Inspired to Perspire: The Interplay of Social Comparison Direction and Standard Extremity in the Context of Challenging Exercising Goals." Social Cognition, 37(3), 247–265.
Hofmann, W., Diel, K. & Diener, E. 2018.
"Foods, Sex, and Drugs: Appetitive Desires and Subjective Well-Being." In: Diener, E. & Oishi, S. "Handbook of Well-Being", DEF Publishers.
Hofmann, W., & Förster, G. (2019).
"Training Three Facets of Executive Functions: Evidence for Task- and Person-Specific Training With Limited Transfer." Experimental Psychology, 66(6), 402–413.
Kotabe, H. P., Righetti, F., & Hofmann, W. (2019).
"How Anticipated Emotions Guide Self-Control Judgments." Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 1614.
Lades, L. K., & Hofmann, W. (2019).
"Temptation, Self-Control, and Inter-Temporal Choice." Journal of Bioeconomics, 21(1), 47–70.
Prinsen, S., Dohle, S., Evers, C., De Ridder, D. T. D., & Hofmann, W. (2019).
"Introducing Functional and Dysfunctional Self‐Licensing: Associations with Indices of (Un)Successful Dietary Regulation." Journal of Personality, 87(5), 934–947.
Saulin, A., Baumgartner, T., Gianotti, L. R. R., Hofmann, W., & Knoch, D. (2019).
"Frequency of Helping Friends and Helping Strangers Is Explained by Different Neural Signatures." Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 19(1), 177–186.
Dohle, S., Diel, K. & Hofmann, W. 2018.
“Executive Functions and the Self-Regulation of Eating Behavior: A Review.” Appetite, 124, 4-9.
Dohle, S. & Hofmann, W. 2018.
"Assessing Self-Control: The Use and Usefulness of the Experience Sampling Method." In: de Ridder, D., Adriaanse, M. & Fujita, K. "The Routledge International Handbook of Self-Control in Health and Well-Being." Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group, 100-111.
Faure, R., Righetti, F., Seibel, M. & Hofmann, W. et al. 2018.
"Speech Is Silver, Nonverbal Behavior Is Gold: How Implicit Partner Evaluations Affect Dyadic Interactions in Close Relationships." Psychological Science, 29(11), 1731-1741.
Hofmann, W., Brandt, M. J. & Rockenbach, B. et al. 2018.
"Moral Punishment in Everyday Life." Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 44(12), 1697-1711.
Ockenfels, A. & Hofmann, W. 2018.
"Warum wir glauben, was wir glauben." In: Strohschneider, P., Blamberger, G. & Freimuth, A. "Von Umgang mit Fakten"
Wiese, C. W., Tay, L., Duckworth, A. L., D’Mello, S., Kuykendall, L., Hofmann, W., Baumeister, R. F., Vohs, K. D. 2018.
"Too Much of a Good Thing? Exploring the Inverted-U Relationship Between Self-Control and Happiness." Journal of Personality, 86(3), 380-396.
Wiese, C. W., Tay, L., Durckworth, A. L., ... Hofmann, W., ... Vohs, K. D. 2018.
"Too Much of a Good Thing? Exploring the Inverted-U Relationship between Self-control and Happiness." Journal of Personality, 86 (3), 380-396
Denson, T. F., Wilkowski, B. M. & Hofmann, W. et al. 2017.
"Thou Shalt Kill: Practicing Self-Control Supports Adherence to Personal Standards when Asked to Aggress." Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 69, 71-78.
Dohle, S. & Hofmann, W. 2017.
"Toward a Mechanistic Understanding of the Impact of Food Insecurity on Obesity." Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 40, 23-24.
Lopez, R. B., Chen, P.-H. A. & Hofmann, W. et al. 2017.
"A Balance of Activity in Brain Control and Reward Systems Predicts Self-Regulatory Outcomes." Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 12(5), 832-838.
Molho, C., Tybur, J. M. & Hofmann, W. et al. 2017.
"Disgust and Anger Relate to Different Aggressive Responses to Moral Violations." Psychological Science, 28(5), 609–619.
Molho, C., Tybur, J. M., Güler, E., Balliet, D. & Hofmann, W. 2017. "Disputs and Anger Relate to Different Aggressive Responses to Moral Violations." Psychological Science, 28(5), 609-619.
Ozaki, Y., Goto, T., Kobayashi, M. & Hofmann, W. 2017.
"Counteractive Control over Temptations: Promoting Resistance Through Enhanced Perception of Conflict and Goal Value." Self and Identity, 16(4), 439-459.
Field, M., Werthmann, J., Franken, I., Hofmann, W., Hogarth, L. & Roefs, A. 2016.
"The Role of Attentional Bias in Obesity and Addiction." Health Psychology. 35(8), 767-80.
Friese, M. & Hofmann, W. 2016.
"State Mindfulness, Self-Regulation, and Emotional Experience in Everyday Life." Motivation Science, 2(1), 1-14.
Ghoniem, A. & Hofmann, W. 2016.
"Desire." In: Zeigler-Hill, V. & Shackelford, T. K. "Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences." Springer International Publishing, 1-4.
Hofmann, W. & Nordgren, L. F. 2016.
"The Psychology of Desire." New York, NY: Guilford.
Lopez, R. B., Milyavskaya, M., Hofmann, W. & Heatherton, T. F. 2016.
"Motivational and Neural Correlates of Self-Control of Eating: A Combined Neuroimaging and Experience Sampling Study in Dieting Female College Students." Appetite, 103, 192-199.
Laurin, K., Fitzsimons, G. M., Finkel, E. J., Carswell, K. L., Hofmann, W., Lambert, N. M. & van Dellen, M. R. 2016.
"Power and the Pursuit of a Partner’s Goals." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 110(6), 840-868.
Mead, N. L., Patrick, V., Gunadi, M. & Hofmann, W. 2016.
"Simple Pleasures, Small Annoyances, and Goal Progress in Daily Life." Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 1(4).
Mead, N. L., Patrick, V. M., Gunadi, M. P. & Hofmann, W. 2016.
"Simple Pleasures, Small Annoyances, and Goal Progress in Daily Life." 1(4), 527-539.
Reinecke, L. & Hofmann, W. 2016.
"Slacking Off or Winding Down? An Experience Sampling Study on the Drivers and Consequences of Media Use for Recovery versus Procrastination.” Human Communication Research, 42(3), 441-461.
Righetti, F., Gere, J., Hofmann, W., Vissermann, M. L. & Van Lange, P. A. M. 2016.
"The Burden of Empathy: Partners’ Response to Divergence of Interests in Daily Life." Emotion.
Righetti, F., Gere, J., Hofmann, W. & Vissermann, M. L. 2016.
"The Burden of Empathy: Partners’ Responses to Divergence of Interests in Daily Life." Emotion, 16(5), 684-690.
Schier, U., Ockenfels, A. & Hofmann, W. 2016.
"Moral Values and Increasing Stakes in a Dictator Game." Journal of Economic Psychology, 56, 107-115.
Smith, P. K., & Hofmann, W. 2016.
"Power in Everyday Life." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(36), 10043-10048.
Fishbach, A. & Hofmann, W. 2015.
"Nudging Self-Control: A Smartphone Intervention of Temptation Anticipation and Goal Resolution Improves Everyday Goal Progress.” Motivation Science, 1(3), 137-150.
Ghoniem, A. & Hofmann, W. 2015.
"Yielding to Temptation: How and Why Some People Are Better at Controlling Themselves." In-Mind Magazine, 27.
Hofmann, W., Finkel, E. J. & Fitzsimons, G. M. 2015.
"Close Relationships and Self-Regulation: How Relationship Satisfaction Facilitates Momentary Goal Pursuit." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 109(3), 434-452.
Hofmann, W. & Patel, P. V. 2015.
"SurveySignal: A Convenient Solution for Experience Sampling Research Using Participants’ Own Smartphones." Social Science Computer Review, 33(2), 235–253.
Hur, J. D., Koo, M. & Hofmann, W. 2015.
"When Temptations Come Alive: How Anthropomorphism Undermines Self-Control." Journal of Consumer Research, 42(2), 340-358.
Kotabe, H. P. & Hofmann, W. 2015.
"On Integrating the Components of Self-Control." Perspectives on Psychological Science, 10(5), 618-638.
Righetti, F., Balliet, D., Vissermann, M. & Hofmann, W. et al. 2015.
"Trust and the Suppression of Emotions During Sacrifice in Close Relationships." Social Cognition, 33(5), 505-519.
van Deursen, D. S., Salemink, E., Boendermaker, W. J., Pronk, T., Hofmann, W. & Wiers, R. W. 2015.
"Executive Functions and Motivation as Moderators of the Relationship Between Automatic Associations and Alcohol Use in Problem Drinkers Seeking Online Help.” Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 39(9), 1788-1796.