
Alexandra Fleischmann

Publications (selection)


Lammers, J., Bukowski, M., Potoczek, A., Fleischmann, A., & Hofmann, W. (2022).

"Disentangling the Factors Behind Shifting Voting Intentions: The Bandwagon Effect Reflects Heuristic Processing, While the Underdog Effect Reflects Fairness Concerns." Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 10(2), 676–692.

Lammers, J., Pauels, E., Fleischmann, A., & Galinsky, A. D. (2022).

"Why People Hate Congress but Love Their Own Congressperson: An Information Processing Explanation." Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 48(3), 412–425.

Fleischmann, A., Lammers, J., Conway, P., & Galinsky, A.D. (2021).

"Kant be Compared: People High in Social Comparison Orientation Make Fewer—Not More—Deontological Decisions in Sacrificial Dilemmas" Social Psychological and Personality Science, 12(6), 984–995.

Fleischmann, A., Lammers, J., Diel, K., Hofmann, W., & Galinsky, A. D. (2021).

"More Threatening and More Diagnostic: How Moral Comparisons Differ from Social Comparisons." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 121(5), 1057–1078.

Fleischmann, A., & Van Berkel, L. (2021).

"Gender Disparities in Middle Authorship." Social Psychological Bulletin, 16(1), e2897.

Fleischmann, A., & Lammers, J. (2020).

"Power and Moral Thinking." Current Opinion in Psychology, 33, 23–27.

Fleischmann, A., & Burgmer, P. (2020).

"Abstract Thinking Increases Support for Affirmative Action." Sex Roles, 82(7–8), 493–511.

Sieverding, M., Ungar, N., Fleischmann, A., Lee, M., Zhang, H., Mohnke, M., Specht, N. K., & Weidner, G. (2020).

"Prevalence and Frequency of Self-Management Strategies Among Female Cancer Survivors: The Neglected Roles of Social Relations and Conscious Living." Supportive Care in Cancer, 28(2), 607–616.

Fleischmann, A., Lammers, J., Stoker, J. I., & Garretsen, H. (2019).

"You Can Leave Your Glasses on: Glasses Can Increase Electoral Success." Social Psychology, 50(1), 38–52.

Fleischmann, A., Lammers, J., Conway, P., & Galinsky, A. D. (2019).

"Paradoxical Effects of Power on Moral Thinking: Why Power Both Increases and Decreases Deontological and Utilitarian Moral Decisions." Social Psychological and Personality Science, 10(1), 110–120.

Fleischmann, A., & Gast, A. (2019).

"Editorial Gender Special Issue: Männer können nicht zuhören, Frauen können nicht einparken? Psychologische Forschung zu Geschlechterunterschieden und -stereotypen." In-Mind Magazin, 1(1).

Fleischmann, A., Sieverding, M., Hespenheide, U., Weiß, M., & Koch, S. C. (2016).

"See Feminine – Think Incompetent? The Effects of a Feminine Outfit on the Evaluation of Women’s Computer Competence." Computers & Education, 95, 63–74.

Fleischmann, A., Sieverding, M., Hespenheide, U., Weiß, M., & Koch, S. C. (2016).

"See Feminine – Think Incompetent? The Effects of a Feminine Outfit on the Evaluation of Women’s Computer Competence." Computers & Education, 95, 63–74.

Fleischmann, A., & Sieverding, M. (2015).

"Reactions Toward Men Who Have Taken Parental Leave: Does the Length of Parental Leave Matter?" Sex Roles, 72(9–10), 462–476.

In the media

Süddeutsche Zeitung, 13. März 2021 | Sebastian Herrmann

“Jeder möchte sich selbst gern als moralisch gut sehen. Doch warum vergleichen wir uns lieber mit fehlbareren Menschen – anstatt uns von Vorbildern inspirieren zu lassen?” (Media Coverage: Fleischmann et al. (2021): “More threatening and more diagnostic: How moral comparisons differ from social comparisons.”)

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Pacific Standard, 30.01.2019 | Tom Jacobs

“Eyewear ‘seems to offer politicians an advantage over their competitors, at least in Western cultures, without any real drawbacks,’ writes a research team led by Alexandra Fleischmann of the University of Cologne. […] The findings reflect the social tendency to associate glasses with high intelligence. The effect is strongest among political liberals […].”

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PsyPost, 27.01.2019 | Eric W. Dolan

“A new study in the journal Social Psychology provides evidence that wearing glasses can increase the electoral chances of political candidates. […] [Researchers] [such as Alexandra Fleischmann from the University of Cologne] found that participants from the United States were more likely to vote for politicians when they wore glasses. Glasses had a positive effect for both liberals and conservatives, but the effect was stronger among more liberal participants.”

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CNBC, 16.01.2019 | Kerri Anne Renzulli

“[A] study published recently in Social Psychology from researchers at the University of Cologne […] and the University of Groningen […] examined the relationship between [an American] political candidate’s electoral success and whether he or she wore glasses, finding that four eyes are, indeed, better than two. ‘We thought glasses would help as other research has shown that perceived competence is an important predictor of success in House and Senate elections’, says Alexandra Fleischmann, lead author of the study […].

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Frankfurter Allgemeine, 10.10.2018 | Thomas Thiel

“Politiker mit Brille werden eher gewählt als brillenlose, stellt eine psychologische Studie der Universität Köln [des von Alexandra Fleischmann geleiteten Forschungsteams] fest, weil Brillen in westlichen Gesellschaften nach wie vor mit Intelligenz in Verbindung gebracht werden. Die Existenz von Kontaktlinsen hat sich anscheinend noch nicht herumgesprochen. ”

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Daily Mail Online, 17.09.2019 | Victoria Allen

“[…] [Politicians] who wear glasses are more likely to be voted into power, a study suggests. […] [The study is led] by the [research team of Alexandra Fleischmann from] the University of Cologne [who] concluded that eyewear offers an easy, effective and robust way for politicians to change their facial features and increase the probability of electoral success in the West […].”

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Prinzip Apfelbaum, 01.07.2018 | Angelika S. Friedl

“Vor einigen Jahren zeigte eine Studie des Kölner Sozialpsychologen Wilhelm Hofmann und seiner Kollegen, wie stark moralisches Verhalten Menschen beeinflussen kann. […] Das Ergebnis: Wer moralisches Verhalten erfährt, ist im Gegenzug danach auch eher bereit, selbst moralisch zu handeln. […] Dann gibt es noch den Einfluss einzelner Menschen. ‘Hier zeigt die Forschung, dass vor allem drei Faktoren wichtig sind: Wie ähnlich wir uns der anderen Person fühlen, wie erreichbar uns das Verhalten der anderen Person scheint, und wie moralisch oder unmoralisch wir uns selbst fühlen’, erklärt die Sozialpsychologin Alexandra Fleischmann vom Social Cognition Center Cologne der Universität zu Köln.”

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