
The research agenda of the C-SEB

The research agenda of the Center for Social and Economic Behavior (C-SEB) covers three separate yet interconnected research areas: Behavioral Economic Engineering, Social and Economic Cognition and Behavioral Management Science. Each of these three fields focuses on a different aspect of human behavior and thus contributes to a comprehensive understanding of social action.
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Research groups

Research groups

Research at the C-SEB is closely linked to several collaborative research projects that focus on specific areas within the field of behavioral economics and social cognition research. These include the DFG Research Units “Design & Behavior: Economic Engineering of Firms and Markets”, “Psychoeconomics” and “Relativity in Social Cognition”, the UoC special research unit “Behavioral Management Science” as well as the UoC Forums “Motivation, Self-Control and Economic Behavior”, “Managerial Factors in Medicine” and “Advancing Common Pool Resource Management in Heterogeneous Groups”. Learn more
Research projects

Research projects

The C-SEB provides funding for a large number of different research projects in the field of behavioral economics and social cognition. The thematic scope of funded projects ranges from research on self-control and self-assessment to studies about attitudes, political orientations and social behavior in organizations and groups. Most research projects have a strong interdisciplinary focus and use experiments for data collection. Learn more
Laboratory infrastructure

Research labs

Data for the C-SEB research projects are mostly collected through lab experiments with voluntary test persons. For that purpose, the researchers at the center have access to several well equipped laboratories with a total of 104 computerized workplaces on the campus of the UoC. During the experiments, participants are asked to solve simple decision problems or other cognitive tasks. Most test persons are students of the UoC who receive either a monetary or material compensation for their participation. Learn more

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