Unkelbach, C., Alves, H., Baldwin, M., Crusius, J., Diel, K., Galinsky, A. D., Gast, A., Hofmann, W., Imhoff, R., Genschow, O., Lammers, J., Pauels, E., Schneider, I., Topolinski, S., Westfal, M., & Mussweiler, T. (2023).
"Relativity in Social Cognition: Basic Processes and Novel Applications of Social Comparisons." European Review of Social Psychology, 34(2), 387–440.
Cracco, E., Genschow, O., & Baess, P. (2022).
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Cracco, E., Van Isterdael, C., Genschow, O., & Brass, M. (2022).
"Concurrently Observed Actions Are Represented Not as Compound Actions but as Independent Actions." Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 48(11), 1172–1185.
Genschow, O., Westfal, M., Cracco, E., & Crusius, J. (2022).
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Genschow, O., & Lange, J. (2022).
"Belief in Free Will Is Related to Internal Attribution in Self-Perception." Social Psychological and Personality Science, 13(8), 1259–1268.
Genschow, O., & Brass, M. (2022).
"Belief in Free Will Relates to Attributions of Intentionality and Judgments of Responsibility." In T. Nadelhoffer & A. Monroe (Eds.), Advances in Experimental Philosophy of Free Will and Responsibility (pp. 13–26). London: Bloomsbury Academic.
Hansen, J., & Genschow, O. (2020).
"Psychological Distance and Imitation." Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 14(11).
Katzir, M., & Genschow, O. (2022).
"Automatic or Controlled: How Does Disbelief in Free Will Influence Cognitive Functioning?" British Journal of Psychology, 113(4), 1121–1142.
Kulesza, W., Chrobot, N., Dolinski, D., Muniak, P., Bińkowska, D., Grzyb, T., & Genschow, O. (2022).
"Imagining Is Not Observing: The Role of Simulation Processes Within the Mimicry-Liking Expressway." Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 46(3), 233–246.
Röseler, L., Weber, L., Helgerth, K., Stich, E., Günther, M., Tegethoff, P., … Genschow, O., … Schütz, A. (2022).
"The Open Anchoring Quest Dataset: Anchored Estimates from 96 Studies on Anchoring Effects." Journal of Open Psychology Data, 10(1), 16.
Salvador Casara, B. G., Martinez-Conde, S., Dolinski, D., Suitner, C., Genschow, O., Muniak, P., & Kulesza, W. (2022).
"Trust in Scientists, Risk Perception, Conspiratorial Beliefs, and Unrealistic Optimism: A Network Approach to Investigating the Psychological Underpinnings of COVID-19 Vaccination Intentions." Social Psychological Bulletin, 17, e7807.
De Souter, L., Braem, S., Genschow, O., Brass, M., & Cracco, E. (2021).
"Social Group Membership Does Not Modulate Automatic Imitation in a Contrastive Multi-Agent Paradigm." Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 74(4), 746–759.
Genschow, O., Cracco, E., Verbeke, P., Westfal, M., & Crusius, J. (2021).
"A Direct Test of the Similarity Assumption—Focusing on Differences as Compared with Similarities Decreases Automatic Imitation." Cognition, 215, 104824.
Genschow, O., Westfal, M., Crusius, J., Bartosch, L., Feikes, K. I., Pallasch, N., & Wozniak, M. (2021).
"Does Social Psychology Persist Over Half a Century? A Direct Replication of Cialdini Et Al.’s (1975) Classic Door-in-the-Face Technique." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 120(2), e1–e7.
Genschow, O., & Vehlow, B. (2021).
"Free to Blame? Belief in Free Will Is Related to Victim Blaming." Consciousness and Cognition, 88, 103074.
Genschow, O., Hawickhorst, H., Rigoni, D., Aschermann, E., & Brass, M. (2021).
"Professional Judges’ Disbelief in Free Will Does Not Decrease Punishment." Social Psychological and Personality Science, 12(3), 357–362.
Genschow, O., & Groß-Bölting, J. (2021).
"The Role of Attention in Anticipated Action Effects." Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 47(3), 323–330.
Schneider, I. K., Novin, S., Harreveld, F., & Genschow, O. (2021).
"Benefits of Being Ambivalent: The Relationship Between Trait Ambivalence and Attribution Biases." British Journal of Social Psychology, 60(2), 570–586.
Westfal, M., Crusius, J., & Genschow, O. (2021).
"Imitation and Interindividual Differences: Belief in Free Will Is Not Related to Automatic Imitation." Acta Psychologica, 219, 103374.
Fini, C., Verbeke, P., Sieber, S., Moors, A., Brass, M. & Genschow, O. (2020).
"The Influence of Threat on Perceived Spatial Distance to Out-Group Members". Psychological research, 84, 757-764.
Genschow, O. & Alves, H. (2020).
"The Submissive Chameleon: Third-Party Inferences From Observing Mimicry." Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 88, 103966.
Hütter, M., & Genschow, O. (2020).
"What Is Learned in Aapproach-Avoidance Tasks? On the Scope and Generalizability of Approach-Avoidance Effects.” Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 149(8), 1460–1476.
Genschow, O., Hansen, J., Wänke, M. & Trope, Y. (2019).
"Psychological Distance Modulates Goal-Based Versus Movement-Based Imitation." Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 45(8), 1031.
Genschow, O., Rigoni, D. & Brass, M. (2019).
"The Hand of God or the Hand of Maradona? Believing in Free Will Increases Perceived Intentionality of Others’ Behavior." Consciousness and Cognition, 70, 80-87.
Genschow, O., Bardi, L., Rigoni, D., Uzieblo, K. & Brass, M. (2019).
"How Do Individuals High in Psychopathic Traits Represent Others’ Beliefs and Actions?"
Genschow, O., Schuler, J., Cracco, E., Brass, M., & Wänke, M. (2019).
"The Effect of Money Priming on Self-Focus in the Imitation-Inhibition Task: A Registered Report." Experimental Psychology, 66(6), 423–436.
Cracco, E., Bardi, L., Desmet, C., Genschow, O., Rigoni, D., De Coster, L., Radkova, I. Deschrijver, E. & Brass, M. (2018).
"Automatic Imitation: A Meta-Analysis." Psychological Bulletin, 144(5), 453–500.
Cracco, E., Genschow, O., Radkova, I. & Brass, M. (2018).
"Automatic Imitation of Pro- and Antisocial Gestures: Is Implicit Social Behavior Censored?" Cognition, 170, 179–189.
Genschow, O, Bardi, L. & Brass, M. (2018).
"Anticipating Actions and Corticospinal Excitability: A Preregistered Motor TMS Experiment. Cortex, 106, 81–92.
Genschow, O., Klomfar, d’Haene, I. & Brass, M. (2018).
"Mimicking and Anticipating Others’ Actions is Linked to Social Information Processing." PLOS ONE, 13(3), e0193743.
Genschow, O., Demanet, J., Hersche, L. & Brass, M. (2017).
"An Empirical Comparison of Different Implicit Measures to Predict Consumer Choice." PLOS ONE, 12, e0183937.
Genschow, O., van Den Bossche, S., Cracco, E., Bardi, L., Rigoni, D. & Brass, M., (2017).
"Mimicry and Automatic Imitation Are Not Correlated." PLOS ONE, 12, e0183784.
Genschow, O., Rigoni, D. & Brass, M. (2017).
"Belief in Free Will Affects Causal Attributions When Judging Others’ Behavior." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(38), 10071-10076.