
Judith Gerten

Publications (selection)


Gerten, J., Zürn, M. K., & Topolinski, S. (2022).

"The Price of Predictability: Estimating Inconsistency Premiums in Social Interactions." Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 48(2), 183–202.

Gerten, J., & Topolinski, S. (2021).

"SNARC Compatibility Triggers Positive Affect." Cognition and Emotion, 35(2), 356–366.

Zürn, M. K., Gerten, J., & Topolinski, S. (2021).

"Maybe Favors: How to Get More Good Deeds Done." Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 27(3), 503–507.

Gerten, J., & Topolinski, S. (2020).

"Exploring the Temporal Boundary Conditions of the Articulatory In–Out Preference Effect." Psychological Research, 84(3), 558–567.

Gerten, J., & Topolinski, S. (2019).

"Shades of Surprise: Assessing Surprise as a Function of Degree of Deviance and Expectation Constraints." Cognition, 192, 103986.


Die C-SEB-Mitglieder Dr. Michael Zürn, Dr. Judith Gerten und Prof. Dr. Sascha Topolinski haben in einem von C-SEB geförderten Projekt …

In den Medien

Psychology Today, 25.06.2021 | Michael Zürn, Judith Gerten & Sascha Topolinski

„If someone asked you for some help, would you provide it? In all probability, your answer would depend on a variety of factors […] a team of scientists at the University of Cologne examined an additional way to promote kind acts toward strangers, in this case, giving to charity. They call it the “maybe favor.” […] They found that people were more apt to agree to make a charitable donation when they knew that the donation might not actually go through. […] That being said, when it’s in proper, well-intentioned hands, the researchers are right in concluding that this approach also holds the potential to foster public-spirited acts of service that help others.“

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