University of Cologne

Excellence Center for Social and Economic Behavior  

The Center for Social and Economic Behavior (C-SEB) at the University of Cologne (UoC) brings together Cologne-based researchers from economics, management science, and psychology. Together with internationally renowned scientists from Europe and the USA, they investigate the fundamental principles and behavioral mechanisms that affect social and economic behavior. Since its establishment in 2019, the Cluster of Excellence ECONtribute is an important partner.

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Social and economic behavior is shaping almost all aspects of our lives. But it does not only influence the actions of individuals. Behavior and its underlying motivation and cognition, also affects the success of societies, politics, markets and organizations. Understanding its determinants, and how it can be ‘managed’, is thus of crucial importance for understanding and addressing major challenges to society and humanity.

C-SEB aims to develop an empirically based theory of the institutions that define economic incentives and of the conditions that influence information processing in social and economic contexts. Using a behavioral economics and social cognition approach, the center examines how these mechanisms can be designed and manipulated. C-SEB seeks to build a bridge between laboratory research and real-world contexts in order to contribute to solutions to contemporary challenges in the economy.

Our Aims

Scientific exchange

C-SEB runs various programs to create a productive research environment and to promote interdisciplinary collaboration among scientists. In order to foster communication across disciplines and research units, the center regularly organizes workshops and conferences with international guests.
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Research funding

C-SEB provides funding for outstanding individuals and excellent collaborative research projects in the field of behavioral economics and social cognition. There are six funding lines at the moment that are designed to serve different purposes and target groups.
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Equal opportunity & junior researcher promotion

C-SEB is strongly committed to promote equal opportunities in academia and to advance the careers of junior researchers. The center assists its members with career planning and with reconciling academic and family life.
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Press Releases

C-SEB has approved the following projects for funding in the 17th funding round: Junior Start-Up Grants Arno Apffelstaedt – “Signups” …

Pia Pinger receives the prestigious ERC Starting Grant for her project “OPPORTUNITY – Inequalities in Decision-Making at Critical Junctions in …

Matthias Sutter‘s new book “Der menschliche Faktor oder worauf es im Berufsleben ankommt” has just been published in its second …

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In the media

News4Teachers, 21.01.2024

“Für viele gelten Schulen als Institutionen, die die Spaltung der Gesellschaft in ethnische Gruppen vertiefen […]. Die Studie [zeigt], dass es der jüngeren Generation trotz der Tatsache, dass Freundschaften zwischen Personen gleicher ethnischer Herkunft häufiger sind, besser als den Erwachsenen gelinge, diese Grenzen zu verwischen […]. Auch wenn die Studie nicht in Zweifel zieht, dass ethnische Segregation in Schulen stattfindet […], sprechen die Ergebnisse deutlich gegen die Annahme, Schulen würden die Spaltung der Gesellschaft anhand ethnischer Bruchlinien befördern […].”

Handelsblatt, 28.02.2024 | Peter Cramton & Axel Ockenfels

“Mitten in der Transformation des Energiesystems steht der deutsche Strommarkt am Scheideweg zwischen Marktliberalisierung und zentraler Steuerung […]. Moderne Strommärkte müssen systematischen Bedrohungen standhalten können […]. Ein Schlüssel dazu ist ein moderner Stromterminmarkt […]. Ein solches System könnte auch Vorgaben für den Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien nahtlos integrieren und marktbasierte Vorkehrungen für außergewöhnliche Knappheitssituationen ermöglichen. […] Ein moderner Terminmarkt für Strom könnte allen Marktteilnehmern dienen und verhindern, dass Fehler im Marktdesign die deutsche Wirtschaft und ihre Energiewende untergraben.”

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Elias, J. J., Lacetera, N., Macis, M., Ockenfels, A., & Roth, A. E. (2024).

“Quality and Safety for Substances of Human Origins: Scientific Evidence and the New EU Regulations.” BMJ Global Health, 9(4), e015122.

Ockenfels, A., & Roth, A. E. (2024).

“Anreize für Altruismus: Über die Auswirkungen unbezahlter Blutplasmaspenden.” Medizinrecht, 42(3), 175–176.

Brosig-Koch, J., Hennig-Schmidt, H., Kairies-Schwarz, N., Kokot, J., & Wiesen, D. (2024).

“A New Look at Physicians’ Responses to Financial Incentives: Quality of Care, Practice Characteristics, and Motivations.” Journal of Health Economics, 94, 102862.

Schwerter, F. (2024).

“Social Reference Points and Risk Taking.” Management Science, 70(1), 616–632.

Alfitian, J., Sliwka, D., & Vogelsang, T. (2023).

“When Bonuses Backfire: Evidence from the Workplace.” Management Science.
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