
Aktuelle Forschungsthemen

Hier finden Sie eine Übersicht aktueller Forschungsbeiträge zum Thema COVID-19.
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Publikationen zu COVID-19

Ackfeld, V. & Ockenfels, A. (2021)
Do People Intervene to Make Others Behave Prosocially? Games and Economic Behavior, 128, 58-72.

Ambuehl, S., Ockenfels, A., & Roth, A. E. (2020).
Payment in Challenge Studies From an Economics Perspective. Journal of Medical Ethics. doi: 10.1136/medethics-2020-106891

Cramton, P., Ockenfels, A., Roth, A. E., & Wilson, R. B. (2020).
Borrow Crisis Tactics to Get COVID-19 Supplies to Where They Are Needed. Nature, 582, 335-336.

Dohle*, S., Wingen*, T., & Schreiber, M. (in press).
Acceptance and Adoption of Protective Measures During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Trust in Politics and Trust in Science. Social Psychological Bulletin.
* shared first authorship

Farre-Mensa, J., Michaely, R., & Schmalz, M. C. (December 11, 2020).
Financing Payouts. Ross School of Business, Paper No. 1263.

Fischer, I., Avrashi, S., Oz, T., Fadul, R., Gutman, K., Rubinstein, D., Kroliczak, G., Georg, S., & Glöckner, A. (2020).
The Behavioral Challenge of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Indirect Measurements and Personalized Attitude Changing Treatment (IMPACT). Royal Society Open Science, 7: 201131.

Glöckner, A., Dorrough, A. R., Wingen, T., & Dohle, S. (2020, May 14).
The Perception of Infection Risks During the Early and Later Outbreak of COVID-19 in Germany: Consequences and Recommendations. PsyArXiv Preprints.

Glogowsky, U., Hansen, E., & Schächtele, S. (2021).
How Effective Are Social Distancing Policies? Evidence on the Fight Against Covid-19. PLoS ONE 16(9): e0257363.

Hansen, P., Struth, L., Thon, M., & Umbach, T.:
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Teaching Outcomes in Higher Education. Working Paper.

Katzir, M., & Liberman, N. 2021.
Information on Averted Infections Increased Perceived Efficacy of Regulations and Intentions to Follow Them. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 27-38..

Lammers, J., Crusius, J., & Gast, A. (2020).
Correcting Misperceptions of Exponential Coronavirus Growth Increases Support for Social Distancing. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 202006048.

Michels, M., Glöckner, A., & Giersch, D. (2020, July 20).
Personality Psychology in Times of Crisis: Profile-Specific Recommendations on How to Deal With COVID-19. PsyArXiv Preprints.

Ockenfels, A. 2021.
Marktdesign für eine resiliente Impfstoffproduktion. Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik.

Schneider, I. K., Dorrough, A. R., & Frank, C. (2021).
Ambivalence and Self-Reported Adherence to Recommendations to Reduce the Spread of COVID-19. Social Psychology, 52, 362-374.

Unkelbach, C., Speckmann, F. (2021, June).
Mere Repetition Increases Belief in Factually True COVID-19-Related Information. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 10(2), 241-247.

Laufende Projekte zu COVID-19

Dohle, S.:
Adoption of Protective Behaviors During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Longitudinal Study.
Kontakt: PD Dr. Simone Dohle (e-mail web)

Dorrough, A. R., Schneider, I. K., Bring, L., Brockers, C., & Butz, C.:
Caring About (COVID-19 Related) Social Issues as a Signal of Trustworthiness – An Extended Replication.
Kontakt: Dr. Angela Dorrough (e-mail web)

Glöckner, A., & Dorrough, A. R. & international group of collaborators:
The Causal Effects of Disease on the Tightness-Looseness of Cultures.
Kontakt: Prof. Dr. Andreas Glöckner (e-mail web)

Glöckner, A., Michels, M., Dorrough, A. R. & Giersch, D.:
The Role of Personality in Dealing With the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Kontakt: Prof. Dr. Andreas Glöckner (e-mail web)

Hansen, P., Struth, L., Thon, M., & Umbach, T.:
The Impact of the Corona-Pandemic on Teaching Outcomes in Higher Education
Kontakt: Tim Umbach (e-mail web)

Hellmann, M., Dorrough, A. R., & Glöckner, A.:
Prosocial Behavior in Times of Corona: The Role of Responsibility and Vulnerability.
Kontakt: Prof. Dr. Andreas Glöckner (e-mail web)

Schneider, I. K., Dorrough, A. R., & Frank, C.:
Confront the Brutal Facts, yet Never Lose Faith: Ambivalence and Adherence to Measures to Reduce the Spread of COVID-19.
Kontakt: Prof. Dr. Iris Schneider (e-mail web)

Sutter, M., Chowdhury, S., Schildberg-Hörisch, H., & Schneider, S.:
Nudging or Paying? A Randomized Controlled Trial to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Measures to Contain COVID-19 in Rural Bangladesh.
Kontakt: Prof. Dr. Matthias Sutter (e-mail web)


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