
Roland Imhoff

Publications (selection)


Gollwitzer, M., Nuding, S., Schramm, L., Glöckner, A., Gruber, R., Hajek, K. V., Häusser, J. A., Imhoff, R., & Rudert, S. C. (2024).

"How the Pandemic Affected Psychological Research." Royal Society Open Science, 11(11), 241311.

Ecker, Y., Gilead, M., & Imhoff, R. (2023).

"An Examination of the Motivations to Maintain, Approach, and Avoid by Proximity to the Ideal State." Social Cognition, 41(1), 88–102.

Ecker, Y., Gilead, M., & Imhoff, R. (2023).

"The Phenomenology of Maintenance Goals: Lower Threat and Greater Satisfaction with the Current State." Motivation and Emotion, 47(2), 246–256.

Unkelbach, C., Alves, H., Baldwin, M., Crusius, J., Diel, K., Galinsky, A. D., Gast, A., Hofmann, W., Imhoff, R., Genschow, O., Lammers, J., Pauels, E., Schneider, I., Topolinski, S., Westfal, M., & Mussweiler, T. (2023).

"Relativity in Social Cognition: Basic Processes and Novel Applications of Social Comparisons." European Review of Social Psychology, 34(2), 387–440.

Ecker, Y., Imhoff, R., & Lammers, J. (2021).

"Self-Control Failure Increases a Strategic Preference for Submission as Means to Avoid Future Failure". Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 95, 104155

Lammers, J. & Imhoff, R. 2021.

"A Chronic Lack of Perceived Personal Control Increases Women and Men’s Self-Reported Preference for High-Status Characteristics When Selecting Romantic Partners in Simulated Dating Situations." Social Psychological and Personality Science, 12(7), 1345–1357.

Koch, A., Dorrough, A., Glöckner, A., & Imhoff, R. (2020).

"The ABC of Society: Perceived Similarity in Agency/Socioeconomic Success and Conservative-Progressive Beliefs Increases Intergroup Cooperation." Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 90, 103996.

Koch, A., Imhoff, R., Unkelbach, C., Nicolas, G., Fiske, S., Terache, J., Carrier, A., & Yzerbyt, V. (2020).

"Groups’ Warmth Is a Personal Matter: Understanding Consensus on Stereotype Dimensions Reconciles Adversarial Models of Social Evaluation." Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 89, 103995.

Imhoff, R., Koch, A. & Flade, F. 2018.

"(Pre)occupations: A Data-Driven Model of Jobs and Its Consequences for Categorization and Evaluation." Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 77, 76-88.

Banse, R., Schmidt, A. F. & Imhoff, R. 2017.

"Aggression from the Perspective of the Reflective-Impulsive Model: Testing Predictions Using Indirect Measures.” In: R. Deutsch, B. Gawronski, W. Hofmann (Eds.), "Reflective and Impulsive Determinants of Human Behavior." New York, NY: Psychology Press, 239-256.

Imhoff, R. 2016.

"Zeroing in on the Effect of the Schizophrenia Label on Stigmatizing Attitudes: A Large Scale Study.” Schizophrenia Bulletin, 42 (2), 456-463.

Imhoff, R. & Koch, A. S. 2017.

"How Orthogonal Are the Big Two of Social Perception? On the Curvilinear Relationship Between Agency and Communion." Perspectives on Psychological Science, 12(1), 122-137.

Koch, A., Imhoff, R., Dotsch, R., Unkelbach, C. & Alves, H. 2016.

"The ABC of Stereotypes About Groups: Agency/Socioeconomic Success, Conservative–Progressive Beliefs, and Communion." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 110(5), 675–709.

Bergen, E., Ahto, A., Schulz, A. & Imhoff, R. et al. 2015.

"Adult-Adult and Adult-Child/Adolescent Online Sexual Interactions: An Exploratory Self-Report Study on the Role of Situational Factors." The Journal of Sex Research, 52(9), 1006-1016.

Heser, K., Banse, R. & Imhoff, R. 2015.

"Affiliation or Power: What Motivates Behavior on Social Networking Sites?" Swiss Journal of Psychology, 74(1), 37–47.

Imhoff, R. 2015.

"Punitive Attitudes Against Pedophiles or Persons With Sexual Interest in Children: Does the Label Matter?" Archives of Sexual Behavior, 44(1), 35–44.

Schmidt, A. F., Banse, R. & Imhoff, R. 2015.

"Indirect Measures in Forensic Contexts." In: F. J. R. van de Vijver & T. Ortner (Eds.), Behavior Based Assessment in Personality, Social, and Applied Psychology, 173-194. Göttingen, Germany: Hogrefe.

In den Medien

Süddeutsche Zeitung, 27.03.2023 | Sebastian Herrmann

„Die Wissenschaft hat fast 200 Denkfehler beschrieben. […] Zeit also, um die Heckenschere anzusetzen, das Gestrüpp zurückzuschneiden oder, anderes Bild, den Beipackzettel zu entrümpeln? Unbedingt, sagen die Psychologin Aileen Oeberst von der Fernuniversität Hagen und ihr Kollege Roland Imhoff von der Universität Mainz. Zusammen haben sie gerade einen Beitrag im Fachmagazin Perspectives on Psychological Science publiziert, in dem sie in diese Richtung argumentieren. „Wir schlagen ein Modell vor“, schreiben die beiden Autoren, „das ausreicht, um damit mehrere Biase zu erklären.“ […] „Die Publikation ist ein wichtiger Schritt und guter Impuls, um die Bias-Forschung weiterzubringen. Das beschriebene Grundprinzip ist überzeugend“, sagt Andreas Glöckner, der an der Universität Köln zu kognitiven Verzerrungen forscht und an der Arbeit nicht beteiligt war.“

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