Dohle, S., Schreiber, M., Wingen, T., & Baumann, M. (2022).
"Blaming Others for Their Illness: The Influence of Health-Related Implicit Theories on Blame and Social Support." Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 52(4), 210–219.
Kwasnicka, D., Keller, J., Perski, O., Potthoff, S., Ten Hoor, G. A., Ainsworth, B., Crutzen, R., Dohle, S., … Sanderman, R. (2022).
"White Paper: Open Digital Health – Accelerating Transparent and Scalable Health Promotion and Treatment." Health Psychology Review, 16(4), 475–491.
Pförtner, T.-K., Dohle, S., & Hower, K. I. (2022).
"Trends in Educational Disparities in Preventive Behaviours, Risk Perception, Perceived Effectiveness and Trust in the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany." BMC Public Health, 22(1), 903.
Wingen, T., Berkessel, J. B., & Dohle, S. (2022).
"Caution, Preprint! Brief Explanations Allow Nonscientists to Differentiate Between Preprints and Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles." Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 5(1), 251524592110705.
Wingen, T., Lecuona, O., & Dohle, S. (2022).
"Attitudes Towards Science During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Psychological Network Approach." European Journal of Health Communication, 3(1), 98–118.
Dohle, S., Duncan, M. J., & Bucher, T. (2021).
"Development and Validation of the Diet-Related Beliefs of Exercisers Scale." Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 43(2), 115–124.
Wingen, T., & Dohle, S. (2021).
"Exploring Negative Beliefs About Power: The Role of Autonomy and Influence." Social Psychology, 52(4), 250–263.
Bucher, T., Frey, E., Wilczynska, M., Deroover, K., & Dohle, S. (2020).
"Consumer Perception and Behaviour Related to Low-Alcohol Wine: Do People Overcompensate?" Public Health Nutrition, 23(11), 1939–1947.
Dohle, S., Wingen, T., & Schreiber, M. (2020).
"Acceptance and Adoption of Protective Measures During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Trust in Politics and Trust in Science." Social Psychological Bulletin, 15(4), e4315.
Hofmann, W., Dohle, S., & Diel, K. (2020).
"Changing Behavior Using Integrative Self-Control Theory." In M. S. Hagger, L. D. Cameron, K. Hamilton, N. Hankonen, & T. Lintunen (Eds.), The Handbook of Behavior Change (1st ed., pp. 150–163). Cambridge University Press.
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"Crowdsourcing Hypothesis Tests: Making Transparent How Design Choices Shape Research Results." Psychological Bulletin, 146(5), 451–479.
Mötteli, S., & Dohle, S. (2020).
"Egocentric Social Network Correlates of Physical Activity." Journal of Sport and Health Science, 9(4), 339–344.
Schreiber, M., Bucher, T., Collins, C. E., & Dohle, S. (2020).
"The Multiple Food Test: Development and Validation of a New Tool to Measure Food Choice and Applied Nutrition Knowledge." Appetite, 150, 104647.
Schreiber, M., Job, V., & Dohle, S. (2020).
"Is Your Health Malleable or Fixed? The Influence of Implicit Theories on Health-Related Attitudes and Behaviour." Psychology & Health, 35(12), 1421–1439.
Dohle, S., & Hofmann, W. (2019).
"Consistency and Balancing in Everyday Health Behaviour: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Approach." Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 11(1), 148–169.
Prinsen, S., Dohle, S., Evers, C., De Ridder, D. T. D., & Hofmann, W. (2019).
"Introducing Functional and Dysfunctional Self‐Licensing: Associations with Indices of (Un)Successful Dietary Regulation." Journal of Personality, 87(5), 934–947.
Dohle, S., Diel, K., & Hofmann, W. (2018).
"Executive Functions and the Self-Regulation of Eating Behavior: A Review." Appetite, 124, 4–9.
Dohle, S., & Hofmann, W. (2018).
"Assessing Self-Control: The Use and Usefulness of the Experience Sampling Method." In D. T. D. De Ridder, M. Adriaanse, & K. Fujita (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Self-Control in Health and Well-Being (pp. 100–111). Routledge.
Dohle, S. & Bucher, T. 2017.
“Whether People Believe that Overweight is Unhealthy Depends on Their BMI.” European Journal of Public Health Journal of Labor Economics, 27(4).
Dohle, S., & Montoya, A. K. 2017.
"The Dark Side of Fluency: Fluent Names Increase Drug Dosing." Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 23 (3), 231-239.
Dohle, S. & Dawson, I. G. J. 2017.
"Putting Knowledge into Practice: Does Information on Adverse Drug Interactions Influence People’s Dosing Behaviour?" British Journal of Health Psychology, 22(3), 330-344.
Dohle, S. & Hofmann, W. 2017.
"Toward a Mechanistic Understanding of the Impact of Food Insecurity on Obesity." Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 40, 23-24.
Dawson, I. G. J. & Dohle, S. 2016.
"Towards an Understanding of Adult Judgments of Synergistic Health Benefits.” British Journal of Health Psychology, 21(1), 204-223.
Dohle, S., Rall, S., & Siegrist, M. 2016.
"Does Self-Prepared Food Taste Better? Effects of Food Preparation on Liking.” Health Psychology, 35(5), 500-508.
Vogel, S., Keller, C., Koschutnig, K., Reishofer, G., Ebner, F., Dohle, S., Siegrist, M. & Grabner, R.H. 2016.
"The Neural Correlates of Health Risk Perception in Individuals with Low and High Numeracy." ZDM, 48(3), 337-350.
Dohle, S., Wansink, B. & Zehnder, L. 2015.
"Exercise and Food Compensation: Exploring Diet-Related Beliefs and Behaviors of Regular Exercisers." Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 12(3), 322-327.
Gmuer, A., Siegrist, M. & Dohle, S. 2015.
"Does Wine Label Processing Fluency Influence Wine Hedonics?" Food Quality and Preference, 44, 12-16.
Hartmann, C., Dohle, S. & Siegrist, M. 2015.
"A Self-Determination Theory Approach to Adults’ Healthy Body Weight Motivation: A Longitudinal Study Focusing on Food Choices and Recreational Physical Activity." Psychology & Health, 30(8), 924-948.