
Christopher Roth

Publications (selection)


Chopra, F., Haaland, I., Roth, C., & Stegmann, A. (2024).

"The Null Result Penalty." The Economic Journal, 134(657), 193–219.

Chopra, F., Haaland, I., & Roth, C. (2024).

"The Demand for News: Accuracy Concerns Versus Belief Confirmation Motives." The Economic Journal, 134(661), 1806–1834.

Graeber, T., Roth, C., & Zimmermann, F. (2024).

"Stories, Statistics, and Memory." The Quarterly Journal of Economics, qjae020. Advance online publication.

Jäger, S., Roth, C., Roussille, N., & Schoefer, B. (2024).

"Worker Beliefs About Outside Options." The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 139(3), 1505–1556.

Mikosch, H., Roth, C., Sarferaz, S., & Wohlfart, J. (2024).

"Uncertainty and Information Acquisition: Evidence from Firms and Households." American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 16(2), 375–405.

Roth, C., Schwardmann, P., & Tripodi, E. (2024).

"Misperceived Effectiveness and the Demand for Psychotherapy." Journal of Public Economics, 240, 105254.

Bagues, M., & Roth, C. (2023).

"Interregional Contact and the Formation of a Shared Identity." American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 15(3), 322–350.

Bursztyn, L., Egorov, G., Haaland, I., Rao, A., & Roth, C. (2023).

"Justifying Dissent." The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 138(3), 1403–1451.

Bursztyn, L., Rao, A., Roth, C., & Yanagizawa-Drott, D. (2023).

"Opinions as Facts." The Review of Economics and Statistics, 90(4), 1832–1864.

Haaland, I., & Roth, C. (2023).

"Beliefs about Racial Discrimination and Support for Pro-Black Policies." The Review of Economics and Statistics, 105(1), 40–53.

Haaland, I., Roth, C., & Wohlfart, J. (2023).

"Designing Information Provision Experiments." Journal of Economic Literature, 61(1), 3–40.

Hager, A., Hensel, L., Hermle, J., & Roth, C. (2023).

"Political Activists as Free Riders: Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment." The Economic Journal, 133(653), 2068–2084.

Hager, A., Hensel, L., Roth, C., & Stegmann, A. (2023).

"Voice and Political Engagement: Evidence from a Field Experiment." The Review of Economics and Statistics, 1–34.

Link, S., Peichl, A., Roth, C., & Wohlfart, J. (2023).

"Information Frictions Among Firms and Households." Journal of Monetary Economics, 135, 99–115.

Andre, P., Pizzinelli, C., Roth, C., & Wohlfart, J. (2022).

"Subjective Models of the Macroeconomy: Evidence From Experts and Representative Samples." The Review of Economic Studies, 89(6), 2958–2991.

Bursztyn, L., Egorov, G., Haaland, I., Rao, A. & Roth, C.(2022).

"Scapegoating During Crises." AEA Papers and Proceedings, 112, 151-55.

Chopra, F., Haaland, I., & Roth, C. (2022).

"Do People Demand Fact-Checked News? Evidence From U.S. Democrats." Journal of Public Economics, 205, 104549.

Hager, A., Hensel, L., Hermle, J., & Roth, C. (2022).

"Group Size and Protest Mobilization across Movements and Countermovements." American Political Science Review, 116(3), 1051–1066.

Roth, C., Settele, S., & Wohlfart, J. (2022).

"Risk Exposure and Acquisition of Macroeconomic Information." American Economic Review: Insights, 4(1), 34–53.

Roth, C., Settele, S., & Wohlfart, J. (2022).

"Beliefs About Public Debt and the Demand for Government Spending." Journal of Econometrics, 231(1), 165–187.

Fetzer, T., Hensel, L., Hermle, J., & Roth, C. (2021).

"Coronavirus Perceptions and Economic Anxiety." The Review of Economics and Statistics, 103(5), 968–978.

Hager, A., Hermle, J., Hensel, L., & Roth, C. (2021).

"Does Party Competition Affect Political Activism?" The Journal of Politics, 83(4), 1681–1694.

Press releases

ECONtribute and C-SEB member Christopher Roth, Professor at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Cologne, …

In the Discussion Paper Series by ECONtribute a new contribution by Peter Andre, Carlo Pizzinelli, Christopher Roth, and Johannes Wohlfart …

In the Discussion Paper Series by ECONtribute a new contribution by Felix Chopra, Ingar Haaland, and Christopher Roth was published. …

In the media

ECONtribute Wirtschaftspodcast, 13.10.2022 | Host: Carolin Jackermeier

“Wo liegt die Grenze zwischen populistischer Meinung, Verschwörungstheorie und FakeNews? Können Zuschauende Fakten und Meinungen immer klar trennen? Und wie wird sich der meinungsgetriebene Medienkonsum zukünftig entwickeln? Christopher Roth, Professor bei ECONtribute an der Universität zu Köln, hat in verschieden Studien den Medienkonsum von polarisierenden US-Meinungsshows und dessen Auswirkungen analysiert. Wir sprechen darüber, warum populistische Meinungsbeiträge das Entstehen von Fake News begünstigen kann, woran es liegt, dass immer mehr Menschen klassischen Nachrichten misstrauen und ob sich dies in naher Zukunft ändern lässt. In dieser Folge geht es um Meinungen, Polarisierung und (falsche) Fakten.”

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CEPR VOXEU Column, 23.12.2021 | Johannes Wohlfart, Ingar Haaland, Christopher Roth, & Peter Andre

“Inflation has recently surged in both the US and the EU. This column uses responses from surveys of a representative sample of the US population as well as academic economists and US firm managers to show that households and managers are more likely than experts to think that the current surge in inflation will be persistent. Since the narratives individuals use to explain movements in inflation appear central to whether inflation expectations remain anchored, communication strategies by policymakers could put emphasis on specific narratives that highlight that inflationary pressures are unlikely to persist.”

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